
How We May Live || No Dogs || Game Concept || Smart Cite || Apple Analysis
Blux System Concept

How We May Live
Light Term || Spring 2007 || Bespoke Futures

Bespoke Futures is a class that demands that it students create new, unique visions of the future. No off-the-shelf distopias allowed. In fact no distopias allowed at all. You must create a new world that you would want to live in. My final presentation presents scenarios for tow people living in a future world of phenomenally greater efficiencies. The presentation in entirely visual so I've also made the original text scenario available. PDF+++ TEXT+++

No Dogs
Light Term || Spring 2007 || Bespoke Futures

In order to practice scenario building and creative problem solving, we were given the assignment of solving New York City's substantial dog poop problem. I choose the satirical position to remove all dogs from the city. PDF+++

Game Concept
M3 || Summer 2006 || Game Concepting

I completed a game concept including structure, mechanics, and an inovative form of level design. The game concept allows the user to create their own challenges, tell their own story, and have the computer respond in a rich and useful way. Based on heist movies, this game has a completely open structure allowing the user to do whatever they like however they like. Unlike other sandbox games, however, the game understands what the user is trying to do and creates rich responses to it.

Smart Cite
M2 || Spring 2006 || Communication Design Two
Project with Miya Osaki and Charles Lu

Smart Cite is a transmedia system to simplify bibliographic citations. It includes connections with business, government, and advertising. In two weeks we created the artifacts for a complete and believable system.

Apple Analysis
M2 || Spring 2006 || Communication Design Two

Using a personal story as inspiration, I created an open letter to google suggesting a new brand strategy to deal with the emerging backlash they are experiencing. More+++

Blux System Concept
M2 || Spring 2006 || Super Studio

As our final outcome in Super Studio we create a toy concept called Blux. Boys would play with their Blux by exchanging its external sensors and moving the Blux around to different environmental conditions. As a member of the product team worked on interactions, ideation and technical problems. As the groups assigned leader I helped other members work through problems and stay close to on schedule. More+++