
SlideR-type || This is not a knob || Future Travel Device || Portfolio comp
Margins of Carto City || M2 website || Summer Blonde || Google Redsign
Communication Design One

M3 || Summer 2006 || Interactive Objects and Sapce

SlideR-Type is an interactive space, art-game, branding exercise, and exploration in using slide projectors as a media source instead of screens or video projectors. Inspired by the classic shooter R-type, players navigate a craft through obstacles (helicopters, blimps, Godzilla ...) toward the level’s end. Sensors in the space detect the player’s movements which controls the craft, while an environmental sensor controls the games pacing. This was a seven week personel project for Art Center College of Design’s Media Design Department’s (MDP) Interactive Objects and Spaces class.

This is not a knob
M3 || Summer 2006 || Interactive Objects and Sapce
Project with Miya Osaki

This is Not a Knob is an interactive video installation that incorporates a physical interface to explore the work of Surrealist artist Rene Magritte. By turning a giant knob the works of Magritte morph, change, and transition into new works and one another. We were interested in creating a project that explored how a user experiences and interacts with a video installation. Inspired the exhibition ‘Mathematica” designed by Charles and Ray Eames, The Museum of Jurassic Technology, as well as the humorous work of Dadaist artists such as Marcel Duchamp, we were seeking evocative and entertaining ways to engage the viewer and provoke a better (and perhaps unconventional) understanding of the material. We intended this piece to function as a fun and informative installation piece that could potentially be used in a museum environment.


Future Travel Device
M3 || Summer 2006 || Interactive Design 2
Project with Jiyeon Song

Forseeing a future where people go about the world with one mobile device that servse all their needs, we designed how those devices will act while traveling. The system is based on the belief that users traveling need a one handed, simple device that communicates useful information (status, directions, optional stops etc.) while moving through a transit system. The information the device uses is gathered from local networks, and is therefore accurate and up to date, not to mention site specific. The interface doesn't require the traveler's full attention, they can simply carry it like an open cell phone and glance at it when needed. Final comp. site+++


Portfolio comp
M3 || Summer 2006 || Interactive Design 2

This is a complete, test, php website driven by mysql. The front end is dynamically produced, as is the back end for editing the front end. PHP proved to be a vast technical challenge but well worth it. It was from this project that I was able to do the coding for my first comm3 project “the Margins of Carto City.” More+++


Margins of Carto City
M3 || Summer 2006 || Communication Design 2

The Margins of Carto-City is a website that, using php, allows the user to annotate, comment, discuss, and deface the essay Carto-City by Denis Cosgrove. Besides creating the writting space for others, I've preloaded the discussion with a voice of popular culture questioning the formal nature of Cosgrove's writing and a poem in praise of that style. This was also a visual experiment in doing design with only web avialable fonts, html, and php. (Firefox only, sorry.)


M2 website
M2 || Spring 2006 || Colloquim

This failed little flash site earned me my worst grade in grad school ever, lets forget about it.


Summer Blonde
M1 || Fall 2005 || Interactive Design 1

Meridian Apartments is an interactive piece based on the graphic story Summer Blonde by Adrian Tomine. The site simulates the passing of time and uses time as an interactive component of the story telling, while the layout is suggestive of a graphic novel's pages. This site was made with just CSS and Java Script. More+++


Google Redsign
M1 || Fall 2005 || Interactive Design 1

For a conceptual redesign of Google, one that emphasized serendipity and parallel searching, we completed several websites as a team and individually. We built concept websites, a production document website, and I built a tool for visually comparing 100+ search websites front pages. More+++


Communication Design 1
M1 || Fall 2005 || Interactive Design 1

The terms Hybridity and Remediation explored through interaction.