Brand consciousness... || Toward an understanding... || A presentation ... || Affordances...
Brand consciousness
as a driving design force.
M4 || Fall 2006 || A Paper Accepted to the TEI ’07 conference
ABSTRACT: This paper describes a recent interactive project which used slide projectors (instead of video projection or computer screens) to best fulfill the brand specific communication needs of an installation. It discuss why brand issues matter as well as how the design of systems, both physical systems and content there within, can address those issues. More+++
Toward an understanding
of how I wish to present my own work.
M4 || Fall 2006 || Design Dialogs
Preamble: At nearly every critique in the MDP there seems to be two distinct theories into what constitutes good work. Or, more precisely, what constitutes hard work. (The second seeming more accurate whenever the discussion is about the merit of the student and not the merit of the work.) I have strong feelings toward one of these camps, and yet people I deeply respect belong to the other. I will do my best to present each side fairly. More+++
A presentation I will give in 2011
M2 || Spring 2006 || Design Dialogs
Hello, thank you for inviting me to speak at design dialogs. This morning I’ll be trying to cover a lot of ground, if I don’t go on for too long we should be able to get through it. I want to start today by talking about these times we live in. I’ll then go on to explain how I see the designers role in this time as a facilitator, and finish up with a few case studies from my own work and others. More+++
Affordances of Computer Art
M1 || Fall 2005 || Media History
While the computer can be used to simulate many things — photography, film editing, animation — its power lies in using the computers unique abilities. Using the computer to create art affords the artist certain possibilities, specifically: databases of materials and algorithmic tools for using those databases. While the computer makes databases more useable, it is the algorithmic tools that lead to results uniquely available with the computer. After looking at how three general areas use these affordances, I will discuss how these tools can be pushed even further. More+++