
Processing Initial Experiments || Interview Sketches || Promotional Drawings
Dognod logo type || A is for Aporia || Black-Red Desk-Objects || 40 Visions of a Red Ball
Maya Figure Drawing || Wall Words || Colloquium Drawings || Lego Narratives
Processing Initial Experiments
M5 || Summer 2007 || Side projects

In the late summer, after my M5 review, I started teaching myself Processing. Here are my first few experiments. Link+++ Link+++ Link+++


Interview Sketches
M5 || Summer 2007 || Thesis

As part of my thesis work, I illustrated key aspects from the interviews conducted. Transforming the audio and transcripts into visuals aided in understanding, reference, and opening up the material to greater interpretation.


Promotional Drawings
M5 || Summer 2007 || Thesis

One of the first design aspects to consider for my thesis project—Women Who Play—was what visual language to use in the recruiting of participants. The idea of hands as the main interface for playing games interests me, but how to display hands that would read as female without using stereotypical signs (red nail polish, small hands, jewelry) was an interesting assignment. In the end I made drawings from photos of friends hands.


Dognod logo type
Light Term || Spring 2007 || Internship
with Lisa Nugent and Tina Park

While working at Dognod we endeavored to create a logo inspired by the large windows in the studio. Several painted approaches (bottom) were tried by everyone on the project, but it was my tape logo (center) that was selected by the project leader Lisa Nugent and then refined by myself and Tina Park for the final logo (top). Link+++


A is for Aporia
M4 || Fall 2006 || Workshop

In this 3D type workshop with Geoff Kaplan, we explored the idea of what happens to letter forms when they face the stress of the third dimension. We read about and discussed issues of System Theory, Entropy, and Letterforms. My work started with the idea of the font Memphis as a system of lines that seeking to expand. When it meets the third dimension it explodes outward but continues to follow the same rules it did when in 2D space.


Black-Red Desk-Objects
M4 || Fall 2006 || Workshop

A series of objects on my desk sketched using only black and red Copic markers. The further I get into grad school the less I want to use the computer and the more I am practicing and using hand skills.


40 Visions of a Red Ball
M3 || Summer 2006 || Communication Design 3

A series of 40 images made to represent a single red stress ball.


Maya Figure Drawing
M3 || Summer 2006 || 3D Character Modeling

Figure drawing made in maya, all with polygons. In this class we focused on using maya as a drawing tool, not a production tool.


Wall Words
M3 || Summer 2006

An experiment in large text, public discourse, and mantras.


Colloquium Drawings
M2 || Spring 2006 || Colloquium

A series of drawings made from models exploring various marking techniques and distortion.


Lego Narratives
M2 || Spring 2006

Photography experiment documenting the story telling potential of Legos. Specifically, how legos are designed to imply a large narrative with a few broad strokes.
