technique development
audience experience
about poem: Sijo

importance of experience
research questions
significance of shadows
type in space

basic form study
letters with shadow
words with shadow
discovery and insights

as a media designer
use of technology
slow media
future direction

future direction

The One Day Poem Pavilion demonstrates the use of light and shadows to deliver messages with a delightful experience. Light and shadows were the medium I selected for my thesis research. However, other media could be explored to create new methods of communication. Since I used an open-ended experimental study as a methodology, other designer could develop its own mediums.

An experimental study doesn’t have final and concrete results. It is an open-ended design practice that can lead to other levels inquiry. It is true that experimental study often causes designer to have fear of not knowing what can be created in the process. However, the process of experimental study has its own value for design academia.

The technique I’ve developed in the process of the One Day Poem Pavilion can be applied to various fields including architectural developments.


This method can be used in many contexts to create a narrative experience that is engaging and delightful. It can be an artistic environment or a commercial context. Either way, I want to continue to develop this project and hopefully collaborate with architects and other designers from different fields.

This study has significances in both design academia and our society. For design academia, it shows the importance of interdisciplinary role, how the failure of the study can be used in productive ways and it pushes the boundaries of communication with organic and delightful experience.

In our society, this project shows the importance of slowness with invented Slow Media.