OPEN EGO - Spaces of shopping experience taking place in the narrow alleyways

A pop-up store modulel geared to the shopping activities taking place in Tokyo's narrow alleyways. Featuring foldable, flexible space of display and storage.


ONTRACK - Geographical tracking services functioning as search engine on mobile platforms.

A location sharing mobile service revealing user's GPS location to other users in their social network, or to anonymous devices nearby, functioning as both a socialization application and a search engine aimed to provide useful and shorter answers.


"A GENTLE NIGHTMARE" - The celebratory space of childhood

Exploring a single theme through design of space. Understanding the space through design of experience, activities, the furniture, the scale and the voidness of that space.


PASTA PRO 5000-R - This is not a knob

Defining the boundary between the virtual and the physical spaces. How consistency can be perceived through coordination of tangibility and intangibility.


PAWNSHOP NARRATIVE -The talking window and authored stories of objects

A new mode of story writing and editing through chronological study of an object, examplified by the activities taking place in a pawnshop.


DYNAMIC KITCHEN WALL -Behavior sensing environments

Behavior sensing displays as an extension of the physical space.