The picture above is a reference guide map that shows the key disciplines my project is related to. Each floor shows a key concept of my thesis exploration and the floors are laid out according to how big a role it plays in the thesis. I have identified significant quotes, noted its source and added my thoughts, questions, and analysis in reply to those quotes.
You can check out the map in my projects section or find a more extensive list of references on this page of the website.
Thesis Blog: http://blog.haemiyoon.com/
Aldersey-Williams, Hugh. Design and the Elastic Mind. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2008.
Arthur, W. Brian. The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves. Free Press, 2009.
Fukasawa, Naoto. Super Normal: Sensations of the Ordinary. Lars Müller Publishers. 2009.
Dunne, Anthony. Design noir: the secret life of electronic objects. London: Birkhäuser Basel, 2001.
Dunne, Anthony. Hertzian Tales: Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design. Mass. : The MIT Press, 2008.
Dyson, George. Darwin Among The Machines: The Evolution Of Global Intelligence. Basic Books, 1998.
Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents. New York : W.W. Norton, 1961.
Hertz, Garnet. Methodologies of Reuse in the Media Arts: Exploring Black Boxes, Tactics, and Archeologies. California, 2009.
Klanten, Robert. Data Flow: Visualising Information in Graphic Design, Die Gestalten Verlag, 2008.
Koren, Leonard. Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers. Imperfect Publishing, 2008.
Lunenfeld, Peter. User Infotechnodemo: Media Workbook. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2005.
Mori, Masahiro. Bukimi no tani The uncanny valley (K. F. MacDorman & T. Minato, Trans.). Energy, 7(4), 33-35. 1970.
Moggridge, Bill. Designing interactions. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, c2007.
Noë, Alva. Action in Perception: Representation and Mind. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2006.
Norman, Donald. The Design of Everyday Things. New York: Doubleday Business, 1990.
Norman, Donald. The Design of Future Things. New York: BasicBooks, 2007.
Norman, Donald. Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books, 2003.
Sterling, Bruce. Shaping Things. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2005.
Takeo Co., Haptic: Takeo Paper Show 2004. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbum, 2004.
Van Allen, Philip. The New Ecology of Things. California: Media Design Program at Art Center College of Design, 2007.
Venezky, Martin. It Is Beautiful...Then Gone. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005.
Brainstorm Egg: http://haemiyoon.com/#95345/Brainstorm-Egg
CUE: http://haemiyoon.com/#107193/Cue
Networked Orchestra: http://haemiyoon.com/#96762/Networked-Orchestra
Da Capo, Layered: http://haemiyoon.com/#96786/Da-Capo-Layered
Memory Music Box: http://haemiyoon.com/#96790/Memory-Music-Box
MDP faculty and advisors:
Ben Hooker(lead), Garnet Hertz, Elise Co, Shannon Herbert.
Anne Burdick(chair), Tim Durfee, Norman Klein, Phil Van Allen, Sean Donahue, Lisa Krohn, Michael Bielicky, Kevin Wingate.
All-purpose support- My Family. My extrordinary boyfriend, Frankie & the David's.
Fellow class-cellmates- Yoo Kyoung, Austin, Hyun Ju, Haelim, Nicole, Chris B, Chris L, Hunter.
Cheerleaders/therapists- Hye Mi 1, Dee, Haejin, Hoon, Jinmi, Jiha, YuSeung, Ping, Yee, Kylan, Adam G, Link.
My very understanding friends- Jiwon, Angela, Bessie, Mika, Jamie, Tyler, Gurim, Hoi, Jjang, I-jou, Charlotte, Cindy.
My design parents- Gale Okumura, Barbara Molloy, Timothy McNeil.
and truely, all of MDP.