This investigation is a starting point of a larger discourse on the free time of electronic objects and our relationship with electronic objects rather than a product proposal for near future. I see this concept being used in a very useful or practical application as a next step but the power of this project lies on its ability to let us reflect on our current attitudes about electronic objects, explore possible future scenarios, or even simply stimulate our imagination.
The projects I have created has been about defining the future of interaction design as the area of interest, working on how to communicate that idea through different media, and showing the various potentials of "down-time" of electronic objects. I believe the current project is successful as a design research project. However, due to my concerns as stated above, I would like a chance to take the role of an interaction/product desginer, and design some objects that utilize the findings from my research. Through my fellows project, I want to be able to show that I am a maker as well as a thinker and a communicator.
In product design, I feel like concepts such as "behaviors" and "relationships" are far less appreciated compared to "forms" and "functions." I have been working with existing electronic objects, hacking and giving behaviors to them rather than altering their forms and functions. This is because I want to expose and exaggerate the relationship between existing machines and their owners. For my next step, I want to explore creating designed objects or objects that took different forms, functions, behaviors and relationships with us in response to the findings from the current term. I want to maintain and expand off similar criteria I have identified in relation to the use of "free time" of electronic objects; use "free time" for a non-productive purpose, reveal objects' personalities that are identified during their "work-time" to their "free time," imagine objects that are meaningful, approachable, and appreciated for/despite their imperfection. The only difference would be that my outcome for the fellowship would be a line of futuristic, fictional objects.
One promising direction is the use of my premise for "object fiction"—"with the rise in emotional design and the development in "smart," ubiquitous machines, what would this world be like in 50 years? How do people use the "idle-time" of objects? What objects do people need, want, rely on, trust, or admire?
¹_ Raise questions and talk about everything in the world.
²_ Communicate with people using traditional and new design methogologies.
³_ Experiment with tactile experiences through hands-on prototyping.