“I really want to buy this copper pot, because there are so many interesting contents that were shared by many people in the network and activated groups that I would like to participate with.“

The original movie footage from the movie, "Julie & Julia

Objects imply the culture of the era. If everyday objects are connecting to the Internet, the objects will represent more than their original functionality. It will significantly affect our lifestyles and everyday behaviors.

How will the system affect our everyday lives and behaviors in the physical world? How will the value and meaning of everyday objects change?

In this scenario, the user is selecting kitchen supplies based on the object-generated content and groups of the object’s network. If she picks up one of the objects at the store, the information about the object’s network appears in front of her by a hologram projection. From the many contents within the network, it automatically matches related and filtered contents and groups based on her profile, and it shows it to her. For example, when she is looking at the information for Julia Child’s copper pot, she finds one of closest friends is in the network and is glad to share her contents. Also, it shows related contents such as cooking healthy food, since she has high blood pressure and diabetes.

This scenario shows the possibilities that the system could add interesting value and meaning to everyday objects. Moreover, as today’s Internet has transformed everyday behaviors such as shopping, within this system, the copper pot is not a just pot for making sauces. The pot enables the user to connect with a lot of people who have the same pot, but have different stories and experiences and to participate in disseminating her object-generated content to the network.

In the situation of shopping, users generally want to see what they thing are the most essential and interesting qualities. When we’re shopping at an actual store, we all have very common and natural interaction, tilting objects. I applied this playful and intuitive behavior to see the sample contents of the object’s network. So, I designed the interface and interaction by using the implication of the situation and tangible affordance of objects. If the object could be a new medium to access data, cultural behavior and space implication are very important factors to design the future interface.

Interactive prototype

I created a simple version of physical prototype that audiences can experience the interface. Once the audience picks up the pot, he/she watch himselfe/herself on the screen with the short instruction and 4 different angles of pot icons. The audience can watch 4 different videos in the pot's network by tilting the pot in different ways.