Future Direction

The future of this project can be posed as if "X" is idea; "Y" is action and "Z" is an expression of the deeper possibilities. Collaborative Perception resides in a specific category within the space left between video and book. It has characteristics of each, but Collaborative Perception is an expression of a new dimensional media.




I have learned from my thesis study about the boundary of perception, that human perception is truly limited to only perceive a single channel at a time. Perceiving multiple screens at a time tortures our visual senses, but designing a "pause" into the whole multi-monitors allows the idea to open up in a possible way.

Currently 3D technologies try to create the illusion of reality. However, the concept of dimensionality can be explored in other ways, it can utilize the perspective of users. It can use a truer dimension, imagination, subjectivity, and contextual narrative. This dimensional language can help us to realize the untapped aspects of our current technologies.

Stories that reside in my thesis work are always changing. There can be as many versions as there are viewers, or more, as one viewer can possibly undergo multiple rounds. The thesis itself is a story that has different possible perspectives. The thesis I have explored is intended to provoke a dialogue to help us see, think and act differently. Dimensional media helps us realized the untapped aspects of the way we perceive. My hope is that Collaborative Perception provides a way to take that step forward.