Letter As Form

10 typographic variations using only your initials (see examples above)
Quotes + Notes
Critiques are not after you, after your work.
The only thing in the room that can kill us is not knowing hoe to get out of the door.
Anything I say to you is not 100%.
Empty space is not background
White space is very powerful
Type is hard
Uou'll never look at (movie) credits in the same way, your life is ruined
Good design and typography is about what works
Every single thing that you add is anther piece of information
It's all about pacing
So much of what this is all about is looking
Basic type skills are drawing skills
You will see very good centered typography very rarely
Great book design is cinema
If you are going to make a shape it better be beautiful.
I am your worst case scenario (when it comes to ready text)
This is between you and the type. This is a very intimate subject matter.
You'll never have a comfort level in this field.
your not going to know what you are going to do every single day.
I complain every day but I love every day.
Uou have one thing at the end of your career, your body of work.
The natural tendency is when you get overwhelmed is that you are done.
One of the best quotes you can ask yourself is why.
You know that you learn from the things you don't do right.
If you are not into what you are doing it shows.
The more efficient you are the happier you will be.
Work in extremes - until you can push back and move forward.
If you feel stuck, set up arbitrary rules.
Rules are made to be broken.
There are probably 5 rules (in typography), but a million thins you can do.
When someone gives you something don't change a fucking thing.
1. You could be wrong.
2. They will wonder what else you changed.
If you see something, memo it. They will thank you
Dealing with a client is new day to day.
Tell your clients half of what they need to know. You need to keep them intimidated.
You have to keep the mystery in what you are doing.
Type Specimen Book

Prepare a booklet to be used to introduce, and then further educate, a firs term Art Center student about a particular typeface.