About the class

What is Design Dialogues?
This open forum address the major issues of art, design, and communications in a transmedia era. This is a seminar based around visiting speakers and field trips. Students develop fluency by discussing the state of the field with its leading lights. Our visitors will be doing demos, talking about their working methods, discussing their future projects, and asking students about their plans. Critiques are incisive and tough but always informed and constructive. This seminar is a vibrant opportunity for the Art Center graduate community to meet with professionals about the arts, academia, entertainment, technology, and design fields to share insights and experiences in an informal, but informed, setting. The title of the course, Design Dialogues, is meant to be an invitation to students to interact on a personal level with our guests. We are woking for an environment in which critiques are incisivde and tough but alwasys informed and constructive.
What I Learned
Design Dialogue's is one of those classes that makes the MDP truly unique because it provides context of craft early in the graduate school experience. This context can be viewed from three perspectives: to the history of design, to one's peers and the present moment, and finally to the future and the practice that we hope to germinate beyond Art Center.
And while there were many reoccurring themes found throughout this semester such a the role of celebrity and the designer's dilemma of becoming jack-of-all-trades or a master of one, it was the role of ambition in one's life that has been placed squarely on my radar.
To that end, how can we enlist others in our obsessions? In my personal practice, I believe one entry point is in developing a practice that is co-creative. As a former teacher, I have always taken extreme pleasure in facilitating the act of making. As I move forward in my own practice, how can ensure my role as a leader in this process of making the rules instead of following them.
A second entry point is in developing strategic partnerships. Part and parcel of this process is defining your own limitations. Since coming to Art Center, I have identified that my work relies on the iterative process and I have established the importance of collaboration to my craft. If I am going to sustain an additive practice, I believe that I must find partners that are willing to work within my own constraints.
Finally, I believe the delegation of authority is essential to enlisting others in a personal vision. Unfortunately, I also know that I am very bad at letting go.
In the spirit of letting go, I will end with this note to myself. Luke, you are very busy with school work. Please take the time to build your network outside of the studio. Go to workshops, attend conferences and for god sake go have a beer with a co-worker from time to time.
Great Peter Quotes + Notes
If architecture is the mother of the arts, Graphic Design is the crazy spinster aunt
Your life would not be better if your parents understood what you did.
You can't blame bad page design on Don Rumsfield.
Amateurs excitement, experts passion
Sometimes you just need to shut the hell up
I am concerned about mortality
This class could be called How to Make Friends and Win Enemies
(One writer even said) the internet was the most important invention since fire
We tend to underestimate how quickly things will happen
The new big lie is that we can all become celebrities
Freedom of the press is about owning the press
A consultant borrows your watch and drops off a bill
To say that we don't tell stories is to say that you are a martian
Radar is more important in winning world war 2 than nuclear bombs
I was born in 1982, so were my shoes.
I could give a shit how long it took you to make it.
Jennifer Steinkamp

About Jennifer
Jennifer Steinkamp is an installation artist who works with video and new media in order to explore ideas about architectural space, motion, and perception. Since 2006, she have had or will have one person exhibitions at the 11th Cairo International Biennele (Cairo, Egypt), ACME in Los Angeles, the Albright-Knox Gallery (Buffalo), Victory Park (Dallas), greengrassi Gallery (London), Locks Gallery (Philadelphia), the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art (Kansas City), Lehmann Maupin (New York), teh University of Wyoming Art Museum, and teh career retrospective, "Jennifer Steinkamp" (San Jose Museum of Art. She is a professor in the Design | Media Arts Department at UCLA.
Quotes + Notes
In hospitals, there are no sunrises or sunsets
Projections look great in ancient backgrounds
Brody Condin
Michael Asher
Hit Lab
Ranar Banam love los angeles
MURAKAMI w/ Tim Blum

About Murakami + Tim
Arguably the most internationally acclaimed artist to emerge from Asia in the postwar era, Takashi Murakami effortlessly navigates between teh worlds of fine art and popular culture and is best known for his caroon-like, "superflat" style. This large-scale retrospective includes key selections that span the early 1990s to the present. We are very pleased to be able to disucss the show with Tim Blum of Blum and Poe, Murakami's American dealer and greatest proponent.
Great Quotes
None recorded
None recorded
Gail Swanlund

About Gail
Swanlun is the co-principle of Stripe LA and Co-Chair, Graphic Design, CalArts. Her work has been exhibited internationaly, most recently by the Mois du Graphisme d'Echirolles, "California Dream," and at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in the current exhibition, "Belles Lettres." She has been recognized by the ACD, AIGA, and TDC; er work is published in numerous design anthologies. Swanlund cut her teeth writing for the experimental and influential typography journal Emigre, and currently writes for various design publications; and is a Fellow at teh Design Institute of Minnesota. Swanlund is a design faculty member at CalArts.
Quotes + Notes
Six scratches can sink a ship
You can't eat art.
Constantly looking through different filters
Expertise takes time
Robert Moses
Susan Licko
Sevilla Hipman
Scott Nazarian

About Scott
None given
Quotes + Notes
Media design is the design of time.
Presence, parity, humanity, systemness
Demo or Die || Demo or Lie
You emody it, it embodies you
We become what we behold.
If you crack some kind of alignment, you can create change (in both directions)
I want to pull the komno back on from the process we do at frog
Was the internet always going to happen?
Uncanny valleys between what is real and what is unreal
Writing is one of my faciliites
If you read more, increase your lexical narrative
Let the new tools tell the new work
Second Story
Jeffrey Inaba

About Jeffrey
None Given
Quotes + Notes
Alibi - a great afternoon is worth the lie
Kazakhstan = the obsession with the diagonal
The power neck = the casual is the unofficial look in architecture
Whoever thought that architects should design cities was out to lunch that day
Content is specific to urban planning.
Volume (magazine)
Moore's Law of Sustainability