Curious Displays
Julia Y. Tsao

What if Your Display! is a storytelling exploration that begins to get at the larger questions and possibilities posed by the existence of a Curious Display. The book invites the reader to think about larger implications of display system swarming around the room and generally invading our daily lives.

The book contains a collection of 30 "what ifs,” asking the user to imagine living with a Curious Display.

Questions include:

What if your display could physically run around a room?
What if your display could become any shape and size you wanted and needed?
What if your display could climb up the side of a building?
What if your display could could take over a human body?
What if your display could communicate both traditional motion and autonomous movement?
What if your display could produce new narratives through the use of physical space?


CURIOUS DISPLAYS.  Copyright 2009.  Media Design Program, Art Center College of Design.  About Julia Tsao.  Acknowledgements & Thanks.