Curious Displays
Julia Y. Tsao
Understandingn DisplaysUse vs. Non-UseSwarm RoboticsPostGeheimnis

As my thesis explorations and findings began developing towrad a more concrete direction for my work, I began noticing to notice that a set of larger ideas were beginning to take shape. Issues of our perception of technology and its role in our everday lives were highlighted in the foreground. New interaction models for interfacing with technology were explored, taking into consideration physical and virtual space. Different perceptions and understandings of what technology is began emerging through my design thinking and making. Four larger ideas have become central to the development and discussion of my larger thesis work:

01) Understanding Displays

02) Use vs. Non-Use

03) Swarm Robotics

04) Science Fiction & The Future


CURIOUS DISPLAYS.  Copyright 2009.  Media Design Program, Art Center College of Design.  About Julia Tsao.  Acknowledgements & Thanks.