Jiyeon Song      
  M1-M4 Website
Thesis Website
  ssongjy30 |at|

©2007 Jiyeon Song
Graduate Thesis
experiential typography

future travel device
subjective map
interactive story
the door
imagination and Insanity

italian futurism
afgahnistan poster
invisible city
neo realism poster
type specimen

Design Research
6 year-old boy: persona
envisioning exhibition

digital abstraction
3 dimensional type

design research
6 year-old boy: persona

Our research gave us enough insight for us to create believable personas for four typical boys. In order for us to fully develop a creative leap, we transformed our studio space into a brainstorming workspace. Influenced by 16th century curiosity cabinets (Wunderkammers), the boys' personas were then constructed into three-dimensional boxes.

Project with Maria Moon and Jackson Wang

Super Studio Documentation Website