Jonathan Jarvis - Term 4 Projects

Media Designer / MFA Candidate

Media Design Program

Art Center College of Design

Term 1 >> Term 2 >> Term 3 >>


Introduction >>


Interangible - Thesis Blog >>


Tangible Interactions >>


Acura Oracles >>


UNICEF: From Hi-Fi to Lo-Fi >>


"Networked" Objects >>


I Get Celebrity Ass >>

What happens in a world of tangible interactions ?

This motion piece is a provocation for the research questions I've asked this term. The questions drive the piece by playing with their symbolic representations. Symbols traditionally used to represent intangible relationships, such as arrows, take on qualities of their tangible counterparts, such as weight.


As a response to Bruce Sterling's Shaping Things, John Thackara's In The Bubble, Steven Johnson's Emergence, and our own New Ecology of Things, the piece touches on the concepts of spimes, blogjects, an internet-of-things, sustainability, and networked objects.


The piece is still in progress (sound and scenes to be added and edited).


Storyboards (first half) >>

Storyboards (last half) >>

Tangible Interaction process articles >>

Home >> Tangible Interactions