Jonathan Jarvis - Term 4 Projects

Media Designer / MFA Candidate

Media Design Program

Art Center College of Design

Term 1 >> Term 2 >> Term 3 >>


Introduction >>


Interangible - Thesis Blog >>


Tangible Interactions >>


Acura Oracles >>


UNICEF: From Hi-Fi to Lo-Fi >>


"Networked" Objects >>


I Get Celebrity Ass >>

What is a media designer?

A media designer takes design concepts and cultural affordances and manifests them across a variety of media, working within formats most appropriate to the specific task. This means learning how design functions differently in print and in television commercials, in film and in scuplture, in hand-held devices and in football stadiums.


Often the best solution utilizes more than one medium. Therefore, a media designer needs to bring a systems thinking approach to the venture. It is this systemic approach to design that fascinates me. The combining of media and the language that connects them is like modern alchemey.


A media designer is a jack of all trades, and a master at seeing the relationships between the many kings and queens.


An ariticle by our department chair: Preparing designers for jobs that don't exist (yet) >>

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