Jonathan Jarvis - Term 4 Projects

Media Designer / MFA Candidate

Media Design Program

Art Center College of Design

Term 1 >> Term 2 >> Term 3 >>


Introduction >>


Interangible - Thesis Blog >>


Tangible Interactions >>


Acura Oracles >>


UNICEF: From Hi-Fi to Lo-Fi >>


"Networked" Objects >>


I Get Celebrity Ass >>

How do networked objects deal with the notion of celebrity?
They brag.


What if a chair can remembers who sits in it. If celebrities sit in it, it can record those interactions, and that record becomes valuable. The chair becomes quintifiable memerobilia.


Have you ever carved your initials into a tree? Smudged them in wet concrete? Tagged them on a city wall? Have you ever stuck a push-pin into each state you’ve visited on the map? Ever signed a guestbook? Ever googled yourself?
People are obsessed with seeing the extent of their influence. Becoming more exposed isn’t necessarily such a bad thing. What about those whose livelihood is directly correlated to their exposure. What about celebrities?


What happens when celebrity can be bought and sold? Traded?


Invasion of Privacy vs. Promotion of Celebrity


Tangible Celebrity >>

King of Your Things >>


Home >> I Get Celebrity Ass