Jonathan Jarvis - Term 4 Projects

Media Designer / MFA Candidate

Media Design Program

Art Center College of Design

Term 1 >> Term 2 >> Term 3 >>


Introduction >>


Interangible - Thesis Blog >>


Tangible Interactions >>


Acura Oracles >>


UNICEF: From Hi-Fi to Lo-Fi >>


"Networked" Objects >>


I Get Celebrity Ass >>

Sharing digital born stories in the developing world

Along with my team, I designed a storytelling system in a trans-dicsiplinary studio course sponsored by UNICEF & mDialog. The system is designed for youth in developing regions of the world, and is based on the research three of my peers and I conducted in the Caribbean and the Philippines.


The course was facilitated through Designmatters, a non-governmental organization run by Art Center and recognized by the United Nations. Owing to the experience I gained in the studio, I was fortunate to be selected as the Designmatters Fellow this summer. I will be working with the Innovations Group at UNICEF and continuing development of the storytelling system.


Documentation of the course can be found here, in this .pdf >>

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