Tammy Tight gets off the
treadmill in Grand Rapids, Michigan, walks down the row of
Stairmasters, and into the locker room to get her bag. It's
time for her hourly cocktail of pills and self-injections.
To some, Tammy looks 27. But her plastic surgeon knows she's
really 63. Ever since Tammy's husband left her for a younger
woman, taking their only daughter with him, she has been determined
to stay forever young. As a result, she has been tightened,
tucked, peeled, injected, lasered, and liposuctioned. She
now shows very little facial expression and carries eye-drops
everywhere she goes because she can longer blink. Because
of her physical appearance, she attracts men who are too young
for her and who cannot afford her surgery lifestyle. So, she
lives alone with her youth cocktail and eye-drops scheduling
her next treatments.
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