Sports + You

The tour started from the 5th floor where broadcasting booths, offices, and suites were located. First, we visited the media section. There were several booths for TV stations, radio stations, as well as assigned seats for journalists with the corresponding company name tags and telephones on the table.

It was interesting to think about the role of a telephone in a big organization and how significant it still is. Although the number of telephones in homes have decreased, it is a linking system that connects a human to a space. It doesn't matter who picks up the phone. It matters in which space (which department), receives the call. Within the media section of the Dodgers stadium, the telephone seemed to take on a lot of responsibility.

Further down the media section, there was an organ in a little cubicle. I didn't realize that they still had someone playing the organ in stadiums for baseball games. Upon further thought, it did make more sense for a stadium to feature live music because the sports game is all about the interaction. The organ player should be able to respond to the fans not only by choosing the right song for them but also by modifying the rhythm, setting a different tone, and so on.

After looking around the media section, we walked through the hallway and entered one of the suites. We were told a suite usually costs anywhere between 4,000 to 6,000 dollars, depending on the game. A suite also comes with 20 tickets. Upon first hearing how much it costs for a suite, I was shocked and bewildered by the exorbitant price tag. When I was informed that each room comes with 20 tickets, however, my shock was immediately diminished as I realized that's approximately 200 to 300 dollars I would be spending if I were to share a room with 19 other people. At first, I had no desire to know how much the suite was but now it doesn't seem like such an impossible scenario to occupy a suite. The almost instantaneous accommodation of my brain to accept this logic was fascinating to me.

We went down to the field after looking at a couple more facilities. We passed the hallway that showcased the Hall of Fame players' uniforms in frames. The last frame was empty in order to inspire the current Dodgers players. This is linked to my idea which I was in the process of developing at that point: how media and current forms of narrative put each individual in the spotlight to make them think they are in the part of the story.