Information + Cognition


We behave differently towards certain types of sport. For instance, when we watch a basketball game or play a basketball video game, we tend to make a lot of noise during the process of watching or playing. If the sport is golf, however we tend to watch the screen closely and quietly. The difference in behavior is related to the characteristics of the respective games. It could also be the reaction from the image or memory which we have built through our experiences and media. Why does yoga class play calm sound instead of Gun n Roses' "Night Train"?

Sound, language, scent, and imagery are strong elements that affect out state of mind. If your friend mentions a certain location you know, you can visualize the place and be able to pull memories of that space. It is interesting how quickly we can process the information and use our imagination to picture the space and its key attributes and this is what's so amazing about human cognition.

Recently, media has utilized cognition to engage the viewer with their content. TV shows and books portray more familiar characters and more ordinary incidents to increase intimacy with spectators and readers. Also, the content carries multiple hooks to further stimulate our cognition. So we somehow feel involved to the story.

To test the expansion of the subconscious of cognition, I collected noises we hear through sports broadcasting and edited it into a familiar ambience sound. Golf swing didn't sound like a golf swing with different elements in the background. What I wanted to question from this experiment was the phenomenon of pre-determination. I tried to demonstrate how the understanding of a sound can be manipulated by the introduction of other irrelevant sounds.

This test shows that people tend to seek information in their memory and acquiring data and attempt to comprehend the data before the end of the sound clip. It is an instant reaction to creating a personal illusion with any given information and memory one has. Also, it hints at the fact that when common data is combined with human cognition, a personal relationship to the data may form.