technique development
audience experience
about poem: Sijo

importance of experience
research questions
significance of shadows
type in space

basic form study
letters with shadow
words with shadow
discovery and insights

as a media designer
use of technology
slow media
future direction

research questions

As a media designer, I had several questions with regard to how audiences experience narrative messages in architectural space. How can the audience be engaged with narrative messages in space?

How to communicate in emotional and poetic ways?

Which media formats are appropriate for delivering messages with organic and natural feeling?

How can languages be embedded in architectural form with narrative aspects?

To answer these questions, I looked at our surroundings. Our environment and our feelings are affected by natural light. The continuous interplay of light and shadow creates a world that is compelling and entrancing. Their organic movements also have narrative, storytelling qualities.

In architecture, light plays both cognitive and poetic roles, it also connects man-made buildings to nature. Tadao Ando and Jean Nouvel's designs show their considerations of light and shadow in space. Ando introduced the interplay of natural light with the Chapel of the Light in Ibaraki, Japan. In this structure, Ando used concrete as an aperture to create a cruciform symbol.

French architect, Jean Nouvel, employs a unique approach to creating natural interiors by filtering sun light through trees for the Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi, which will be completed in 2010. I recognized the potential uses of light and shadow for creating engaging, narrative experiences in space.