Project and

Paying participants

Human centered design research studies in Europe are typically conducted with volunteer subjects who are free to participate with varying levels of commitment. Studies conducted at Art Center (and anecdotally most American studies) pay their participants a small stipend, around $100. There are several reasons for this. American studies are often screening for a particular demographic whereas in Gaver's first study anyone who responded to an advertisement was acceptable. Super Studio's studies have expected completion or near completion of materials while European studies let the participant complete only what they wish. Americans expect the exchange of money for participation even if it is only a token amount. While in European studies rewards, possibly money, are only sometimes offered (Mattelmäki)

Participant in the Women Who Play study were paid on two scales. If they completed a probe pack and returned it they were paid $50. iIf they participated in an interview and photo session they were paid an additional $50. There were several reasons for this. First I was screening for a particular mix of women I wanted to participate. (I wanted there to be a mix of women who played more than three days a week and those who played less, as well as a mix of education levels, and ethnic backgrounds. I wanted to attract as many women as possible in order to make a thoughtful selection from a large pool of potential participants.) Second, participants in the study were required to sign a full release. I wanted to leave the possibility of commercially publishing the outcomes of the study and wanted to ensure that the women had been compensated. Thirdly, as stated above it is expected in American studies.

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