Project and

Conversation and designer guilt

Both Gaver and Nugent discuss the overall design process as being like a conversation. Probes are made. Probes are interpreted. Returns are completed. Returns are interpreted. Outcomes are made. Outcomes are interpreted. Throughout the analysis process I kept this metaphor in mind. I thought of myself as an earnest listener and re-teller of someone else's story and accepted that I would hear some things wrong, and would say things wrong and that my audience too, would not have perfect hearing or comprehension. I found it reassuring as well as freeing. It allowed me to make bigger steps than I might of otherwise.

The above section represent an ideal way for designers to work with research material in a design based way. Its description is based both on what I did do and what I learned by not doing it consistently. The majority of the findings from Women Who Play were found not through a design process but unintentionally through what Mattelmäki calls "Interpretation in the terms of the material." For reasons discussed in the Findings section, the work was primarily processed through keeping it all up and looking for new trends and categories. This was not the intended process, and was not done so intentionally. After going through that process--and reflecting on past processes, that were more designed based--the above conclusions about methods were made.

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