Six Finger Sam lives with
his sister and his mother in a humble three-bedroom ranch-style
house next to the Trojan nuclear power plant in Longview Washington.
Sam and his sister are being raised by their mother who has
worked two jobs almost all of her life to support her children.
She cannot afford to move. To help save money, Sam fishes
for salmon and trout in the Columbia river located next to
the plant. The fish is the primary source of protein for the
family. Unfortunately it's contaminated from continuous power
plant leaks. This has caused many peculiar problems for the
family. For example, Six Finger Sam grew an extra finger on
each hand. His sister, Seven Toe Cindy, sprouted two extra
toes on one foot. His mother, Ira Descent, glows in the dark.
And their dog, Lazy Eye Lou, wags his tails.
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