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take part

Take Part /// M5 /// Summer 2008 /// Thesis Workshop

Take Part is an improvisational, structured activity that I designed in the second term of my master's thesis. My objective was to design a system of interaction, to facilitate self-discovery between friends. The result was scripted, non-linear narrative, for two players, facilitated by one fold-out script card for each character and one colored die.



Scene Study for Two Players /// M4 /// Spring 2008 /// Thesis Workshop

I designed a scripted card game for non-actors, in the first term of my master's thesis. Each set of cards scripted one emotional scene from a popular feature film. The game may be played by two players in private, with an audience, or by multiple rotating players.



Decals /// M4 /// Spring 2008 /// Thesis Workshop

I created artistic representations of the multiplicity of the human psyche. This collection of stickers was part of a set of design artifacts, that I generated to valorize fragmented identity in the development of a new game.



Monomyth Mini Book /// M4 /// Spring 2008 /// Thesis Workshop

I appropriated Joseph Campbell's Monomyth Narrative to explore type and decoration in conceptualizing a style of design for the "scene study for two players," playing cards.



Hidden Gaming Network /// M4 /// Summer 2008 /// Bespoke Futures

This image reveals the invisible connections between people, places and things in order to highlight a possible network for an alternative gaming reality, manifested in real-life scenario that I developed for Peter Lunenfeld's, Bespoke Futures. Bespoke Futures is a course aimed at designing utopic visions of the future.



Harper's Index /// M3 /// Summer 2007 /// Communication Design Three

The Harper's Index exhibits quantitative information. I created these graphics for an information design assignment, that challenged me to express statistics from the Harper's Index in a new way.



Roam Conceptual Collages /// M2 /// Spring 2007 /// Super Studio

To conceptualize a playful interactive relationship between teenagers and wild animals, I created a series of collages. The collages illustrated a possible syncronicity, occurring between teenagers and their animals, in the transmedia game system, Roam. Mini Site Here



Information & Knowledge /// M1 /// Fall 2006 /// Communication Design One

I explored the terms Knowledge and Information through several media, by using text only, image only, and image with text.



What is Media Design? /// M1 /// Fall 2006 /// History & Theory of Media

What is media design? This course exercise asked us to create an aphorism, to communicate the meaning of media design. Everyone came up with a unique answer. What does media design mean, to you?