MobiHost /// M3 /// Summer 2007 /// Interaction Design Two
I joined Yu Ming Cho and Parker Kuncl, to conduct human centered design research on the homeless population of Los Angeles, California. From the research, we created an innovative system of resources. The system, MobiHost, facilitated communication and generated a new symbiotic relationship between established members and transient members of Los Angeles communities.

Cultural Probe Analysis Diagrams /// M3 /// Summer 2007 /// Super Studio
For an academic paper titled, Super Studio: Clarity & Ambiguity in Probes, I created a series of informative diagrams, describing valuable aspects of a set of cultural probes.

Personae Development /// M1 /// Fall 2006 /// Super Studio
I had a primary role in developing a set of personae as a communication device, in my first term of Super Studio. The personae were designed to interpret and share our research participants' attitude toward nature. Each persona represented a family relationship and their attitudes towards nature. The personae were designed as a physical installation, inhabiting an exhibition space, to share the findings of an in-depth design research project. I interpreted a vast amount of quantitative and qualitative design research, collected as a team, through in-person interviews and cultural probes.

Cultural Probe Design /// M1 /// Fall 2006 /// Super Studio
I designed a camera and map, that were provided to Passing on the Future, design research participants in a set of cultural probes. This design research tool, asked teenage participants to photograph specific objects and spaces in their neighborhood. They were also asked to draw a map of their neighborhood and to mark the location of their photos on the map. This cultural probe revealed the limited scope and vocabulary of our teenage participants, leading to our development of two unique, proofs of concept, aimed at facilitating a first step towards developing a relationship with nature. Mini Site Here