Motion Workshop /// M3 /// Summer 2007 /// Motion Workshop
I constructed this motion piece, starting from a short video of a styrofoam cup rolling on the concrete sidewalk, in a weekend workshop with Geoff Kaplan. The objective of the workshop, was to subvert the original video source into an estranged dynamic artifact. To create something completely new from the simple footage.

The Door /// M3 /// Summer 2007 /// Narrative Structures
A stop-motion piece I created to interpret, EB White's "The Door."

A Liberation Fills the Air /// M2 /// Spring 2007 /// Interaction Design Two
By selecting a passage from Alan Lightman's 1992 bestseller, Einstein's Dreams, I constructed this short web-based interactive piece, using a non-linear narrative framework. I paired the dreamy written content with static images of the abandoned built environment of the Urkaine, post Chernobyl. The photos were gathered from the photographic collection, Zones of Exclusion: Pripyat and Chernobyl, by Robert Polidori. The result is an interactive narrative of evocative juxtaposition, between the deserted built environment and the illustrative written work.

Garv /// M2 /// Spring 2007 /// Communication Design Two
This is my favorite circus creature of a set I designed, with original artwork and sound, in a 6-week, course led by Jay Chapman.

The Circus /// M2 /// Spring 2007 /// Communication Design Two
I created this set of creatures with original artwork and sound, in a 6-week, course led by Jay Chapman.

Wikipedia Redesign /// M2 /// Spring 2007 /// Interaction Design One
For a conceptual redesign of Wikipedia, I worked in a 3-person, team to build concept websites, a production schedule and a final working prototype. The image above is a screenshot of my own concept website.

Knowledge: Motion & Sound /// M1 /// Fall 2006 /// Communication Design One
A sample from a series, in which I explored the terms Knowledge and Information through motion, and motion with sound.

Knowledge: Motion /// M1 /// Fall 2006 /// Communication Design One
A sample from a series, in which I explored the terms Knowledge and Information through motion, and motion with sound.

Gil's Place /// M1 /// Fall 2006 /// Communication Design One
I created this short interactive exploration, using a goldfish's hypothetical knowledge of his environment. The objective of this exercise was to use interactive media, as a method for exploring the terms knowledge and information.