Know your history or you'll be forced to repeat your past. Know it so you keep the world from being swallowed by needless short-lived technotrash. Read so your brain doesn't turn into mush. Write so you don't forget that a pen is just as mighty as a mouse and keyboard.
The History and Theory of Media is a seminar that not only serves to educate us about the history of media, but more importantly serves to trigger our minds into making transmediated connections between books and the web, between visuals and text, between time and space, between waste, renewal and sustainability.
I learned that it's not about designing pretty pages or clean academic text. It's about combining the academic with visual robustness. It's about taking what's working and making it even better. It's about waking up senses that have been sleeping under a subconscious cozy blanket. It's about communication in a way that isn't typical for today, but progressive for the sake of tomorrow. When we're buried in lights, pop-ups and cyber-infiniteness, we need a class like this to keep us from floating away in a world that's losing gravity.
HISTORY & THEORY OF MEDIA :: instructor Peter Lunenfeld