
The project was an excellent example of pushing my ambitions as a media designer. Created in less than three weeks, I completely immersed my self in the construction of this telescope. As mentioned in previous semesters, I often the physicality of design rewarding because it marks an overcoming of fear- fear that is driven by inexperience.

However, getting the project up and running is simply not enough. In retrospect, I would have spent more time considering the content that went into the telescope. For example, the project worked along a longitudinal- from one end of the school to the other. In future revisions, I would work on accessing those area of the school that are more ambiguous such as underneath the school or above it.

I also am not convinced that my understanding of narrative applies to this project. For example, a captain's log seems like a forced construct in documenting relationships. Rather, perhaps simply filming the experience of the viewing process could serve as its own story. I am also interested in the imagined constructs that participants make themselves and how I as a designer can heighten or anticipate those stories.