Participatory Universe is motivated by the ideas illustrating the general behavior of the microscopic world of particles. Participatory Universe is not a project driven by an ultimate theory to solve a mystery of the universe. It is instead about the characteristics of the uncertain nature of the universe and the process of unveiling the unknown territory of the universe.
The project illustrates how the theories of the micro can be an apparatus to reflect the macro world of the universe, and how a conscious being can generate and process its knowledge by perceiving and reflecting on its nature within this universe.
At the microscopic level of our physical reality, objects are interacting with their environment in a counter-intuitive way. Before measurement (often called, registration), the microscopic objects are in all possible states. Although there are several interpretations of this whimsical phenomena, the pairing of the Many-Worlds interpretation and the decoherence theory is one of the most significant interpretations that connects the dots of the major findings and great theorists, and gives us a chance to look inside of the realm of the microscopic, from the scale of the infinitesimally small, 10−10 m, to the universe where more than a hundred billion massive systems of Galaxies interact with one another. These interpretations have not been proved as fact, yet as technology grew exponentially, advanced devices emerged that were able to handle the experiments on microscopic subjects, such as the photon, and some equations have been verified to be as a description of reality. The primary goal of the project, Participatory Universe is twofold: to visually represent the phenomena of the microscopic realm (many world interpretation and anthropic principle) as well as speculative analysis on the subject, a parallel between the act of measurement and the process of knowing.
Participatory Universe is itself an attempt to search for a way to narrate the fundamental understanding of our physical reality in infinite dimensional space. Both the process of contemplation on the subject and the actual deliberation in visual and tangible form can be counted as a pivotal portion of this project. The overall presentation provides the structure of the plot and drives the viewers to fill their own personalized story into the structure using their imaginations rather than directly present the story to viewer.