During the process of diagraming both academic and personal speculative interpretations on the subject, I had set my own rules. I initially researched the subjects, by tying to follow my intuition and focus on imagining the contents as I perceive them, and not by how I had seen the concepts previously represented. Although visual representations are scarce in the field of physics, they are abundant in the field of cosmology. Photographs from space telescopes, and some graphical representations, both informative and imaginary, illustrate cosmic phenomena excessively tinted and manipulated with hyperbolic graphical stylization. The visual language I have developed attempts to show these concepts in a more faithful light.
The Cartography of Disambiguation is conveying the spirit of the theory of quantum physics, contemporary cosmology and the phenomena. Creating a modular cell-like structure of the story helps participants engage with the diagram, so that this installation can stimulate spectators’ own imaginations, and they can insert their own interpretations into the structure. The diagram displays about fundamental theories of particle physics, quantum physics and contemporary cosmology as it goes from left to right. At the far right side, it reveals the designer’s speculative opinion on the theory with a metaphysical point of view.