THANK YOU for all your incredible support and fabulous help! I am bowing my head with gratitude, shaking your hand in germanly manner, and adding the chocolate chips to the cookie dough.


Matt Seymour, William Mark, Anett Holzheid, Elena Ogorodova, Elizabeth DeTeresi, Stanley Kubrick - external harddrive,Matt Au,

Chris Lauritzen, Chris Becker, Yoo Kyoung Noh, Gregor Roehrig, Haemi Yoon, Hunter Sebresos, Austin Lee,


All participants that shared their stories with me!!!


The entire MDP faculty with special thanks to: Ben Hooker my captain advisor

Advisor: Shona Kitchen, Phil Van Allen, Rob Ball

Anne Burdick (Chair), Tim Durfee, Sean Donahue and Jane McFadden

Kevin Wingate, Director


My awesome fellow students: Luke Johnson, Julia Tsao, Mari Nakano, Mia Case, Yu Seung Kim, Kylan Coatsl, Adam Guzman,Ping Li


My family and friends


In memory of Little Socks (my external hard drive), he couldn't handle the big files and died with all the data - I am sorry.