christiane holzheid

MFA Candidate / Media Design / Art Center College of Design

super studio
interactive objects & spaces
    Growling Shoe-Rack
    Zip It
communication design 3
interaction design 2
motion design 1

I was seriously surprised how this worked out. People really wanted to play with it. Even I, although I knew all the footage and dialogues, I found myself zipping and unzipping to create new stories and see how dialogues could fit together. Maybe it was due because of the different characters, maybe the yellow color and....

while the "windows" where closed you were still able to see that there was something going on behind the fabric - did this make you want to unzip it and watch it? Did the yellow add to the arguing conversations....?

If I'd do this again I would probably try having the people in the video stand, in order to allow more gestures and movement. The individuals talking was rather long, maybe this would need to be shortened. But maybe this would create a totally different scenario. What about if the yellow background, the windows even indicated a skyscraper, a house, a neighborly situation.... would it be cheesy and destroy this rather strange setting... thinks I am considering and thinking about right now.

(keep scrolling through the blue squares, photo and video documentation availible.)