christiane holzheid

MFA Candidate / Media Design / Art Center College of Design

super studio
interactive objects & spaces
    Growling Shoe-Rack
    Zip It
communication design 3
interaction design 2
motion design 1

I think this whole project started with the desire to work with zippers, or better maybe the idea "fabric-electronics" So I had the zipper, I just needed a concept. "zip it" - what conversations could be so annoying that you want to zip people up.
one inspiration was the "Austin Powers"

- shut up and eat
- shut up and kiss me (for the chatterbox that can't keep quite)
- shut up and let me play
- shut up and sing
so I was playing around with a few sayings.... and scenarios. What about if I asked a question which could arouse annoying conversation
- what is killing that tree
- what sneakers are you wearing (... how annoying)
- maybe someone just trying to get attention... or always complaining

at the end I had pairs having conversations
- a couple fighting
- two solders talking about horrible war experiences
- a mother and her screaming child she can't handle
- a sport coach and his student being lazy...

the next question was, where to get all these people from and especially how to physically make this work - using the horizontal "zip it" movement.