January to April 2011, Faculty: Anne Burdick
Project Synopsis: When news becomes really realtime, where and how will it be read? News is one of the sources of information and in the information age, we may gather it through our sixth sense. The project explores the situation in future where our body might become a substrate through which we will read and gather information.
As the world converges as global entity, it also becomes imperative for us to be updated almost immediately. Agencies of news for sometime have borne the burden of maintaining a constant flow of information of world affairs. However, in current context its tangible forms impedes in expediting the information flow so, we transitioned to virtual agencies that substantiated the capability to diffuse information in an unprecedented manner. This phenomenal ability to experience worldwide status-quo was applauded with a title 'Realtime News'.
Through the initial stages of the project I reflected on the characteristics of the realtime news, where upon I studied the impact of twitter culture in our contemporary society. Experiments and Process. At the same time, thoughts around pervasive technology and present-day explorations on various types of embedded technology was churning in my mind. Quite obviously when I started imagining how will news be read in the future, wearable technology and human embedded systems was the first idea that shot my head. And, Sped emerges from these questions -
When does news/information becomes realtime?
How will experiencing news in realtime on a human substrate change our perception?

sped is a system that allows you to access world wide and personal news in realtime without opening any external device. We are now embedded in your system, so that you can always stay posted.
spedpill - Through the new discoveries in edible electronics we are able to transmit and receive signals. Therefore the spedpill is absolutely necessary for receiving information and to stay connected with data stream. These pills have been layered to look like the natural pills, they are safe for consumption and must be consumed only once in 24 hours. The pill not only allows you to transmit data but also activates the system's sensorial components.

spedpatch - Only upon the activation of spedpatch, it becomes visible and you can read news in textual form. This news will come rendered to help you get most important information in least amount of time. This rendering techniques have been inspired by an very effective older telegraphic message transmission language system. spedpatch does not allow any detailed news, however, a synopsis of the news is always available.

goose bump - Goosebumps is one of the systemic simulators which triggers an alert just as an important breaking news is occurring. When the goose is absolutely important and urgent in nature the goosebumps are of higher intensity, these are now popularly known as crazy goose. This feedback simulates a sensorial experience similar to a natural goose bump. The user can limit the goosebumps to a specific area of the body or activate for the whole body.
gossip ear - Gossip Whisper helps you stay updated with any celebrity gossip or the tabloids. Unlike goosebumps this is not an internal experience and requires an external device which can be placed on the inner side of the tragus (inner side of the ear). This device like the spedpatch attaches to the dry skin.

neuronBuzz - Being neuroned is similar to having Japanese's 'Wasabi'. This internal trigger directly simulates the mind with more intellectual thoughts that have been subscribed by the user.
pat in the back - Pat in the back updates the user with more personal information and thereby, keeping the user updated with their social network activity.
stomachGrowl - Stomach growl is a internal stimulant which growls when the user is not being attentive on the incoming information.
tradenails - tradenails are again an external device and through this component the users is able to gain their stock details literally at the tip of their fingernails. The nails remain in their natural state until they have been trigger by a coded press, upon which the stock status appears. This device is available to both men and women, however, women also have the nail color preferences and they can change their nail paint as and when they feel like.

spedTalk: Sped talk is a set of customer service conversations to provide a peek into the possible future that will exists and in the similar manner exploring situations and consequence.