Text - Network




Vertical and horizontal lines. A common meeting place, a shared intersection, a crossroad. After weeks of very literal interpretations, my big breakthrough came in understanding the basic structure underlying networks.

Image - Network




Gifts are almost always a means to end. In this "stock" image, the it is left up to the viewer to decide who is giving and who is taking. Moreover, the horizontal and vertical lines am to reinforce the earlier definition established in the type rendering.

Image + Text - Network




The game-like quality of networks reveals their interdependent yet calculated nature. Found in this image are a variety of different networks all dependent upon each other to make sense, all stemming from a central source.

Motion - Network





Two people shaking hands. But do they know exactly what they are doing? Is there a dominant hand? This short represents the different roles we all must navigate as we travel through life. The quality film lends authenticity to the experience.

Sound - Network




As we entered the sound phase of this course, I began to define these words by what they weren't. In this example, I explore the use of language as an important means of operating within a network. But what if language is a barrier? Are there other modes of communicating when language fails, or can the humans adjust through other means?

Motion + Sound - Network





Who knew the Minnesota Airport could be so interesting? Larry Craig opened our eyes to those networks that exist but are seldom discussed in American society. In turn, does such a scandal paint an unfair light on the gay lifestyle? And let's not even mention the Republican hypocrisy. Oh, I just did.

Interaction - Network





The three major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam uphold Abraham as a key figure in their teachings. Yet there has never been a map to show these connections. Having displayed a command of cultural references throughout the semester, this piece challenged me think in more abstract forms of expression- an area of my craft I look forward to improving.

Text - Ecology




If networks are vertical and horizontal in shape, ecologies are dynamic circles expanding at the edges and constantly pushing its boundaries. Inside the positive and negative space are those shapes made by those interactions.

Image - Ecology

Snow Globe



Palm trees encapsulated in a snow globe. This image reflects the process of a man made constructs that contain time. Looking closer at the photo reveals the death and regeneration of a palm tree signaling the optimistic quality of the word.

Image + Text - Ecology




Ecologies, unlike networks, aren't necessary connected. Yet like the image to the left, there is an element of human manufacturing in them. This image asks a deeper questions of the scientific and moral implications when man and ecologies interact. Is the hand taking or placing the letter?

Motion - Ecology





In contrast to the direct nature of the sound piece, this installation is layered- you are watching a video of me watching other people watch fire. The money burning in the foreground ask the question of what is burning- economics or nature. Is there a helplessness in watching something be destroyed?

Sound - Ecology




In text, I set up ecologies as both cyclical and dynamic. But what happens when humans intervene? In this example, I explore intervention as means of creating a definite beginning, middle and end.

Motion + Sound - Ecology





This short highlights the bizarre ways man defines his relationship to nature in the home. Of course, there had to be a twist.

Interaction - Ecology





For my final piece, I wanted to explore those relationship in the world that change each other in dynamic ways.

And Yet The Most Important Part



My first drafts were embarrassing. They reflected only a literally understanding of the terms. But as the semester evolved, so did a more complex and intimate knowledge of my two terms.

For me, the big break through came in week four. While Network and Ecology are closely related, I began to parse them apart in a simple and more direct way. I began to envision Network as a series of vertical and horizontal lines that shared a common crossroads. Ecology, on other hand, was more circular with a more dynamic, evolving center. With this foundation established in my type piece, I was able to push those definitions as they related to the various assigned mediums.

What I Learned

During the critique in week 7, there was a big push from our class to establish “a voice” in our work. Communication Design 1, as our instructor quickly pointed out, is first and foremost about discovering a methodology.

For me, this was an understanding that my work flourishes through an iterative process. Instinctively, I knew this. But identifying and claiming how I work early in graduate school was an immeasurable insight that will not only benefit my current studies, but will help identify the clients and type of work I want to do in the future.

What was also revealed during the semester was that I have a very strong grasp of cultural references. My challenge, however, is to push more direct and abstract forms of expression in work.

I was also of the understanding that graduate school was an opportunity to refine your skill set as an artist. However, I am beginning to think that as a media designer, graduate school provides the chance to incorporate more mediums into one’s tool belt. I am very comfortable working with video, sound, photography and CSS- less so with typography, color and Flash. As my yoga practice has taught me, it is important to embrace those edges of discomfort. It would benefit me greatly as a media designer to develop those weaker areas of my craft and understand the affordances of those other mediums.

Great Quotes

In every duality there is a unity.

Information is the invisible string in a narrative.

With meaningful ambiguities, there needs to be a handle for the viewer.

An Economy of Means

Claim stock images for yourself.

Sound cannot exist outside of time.

Pitch your ideas as if you believe them with all your might.

Design is about iteration.

You have to enjoy what you are doing. Otherwise, what is the point?

The more you live, the less options you have for change.

Every designer goes through an advent calendar stage.

Don’t change the players change the game.

Take time to let your work sink in and your words evolve.