research interests
» Mass Customization
» Materials & Tangibles
» Interaction
gateway review
» research leading to questions
Q1: What would happen if the worlds of graphic, interaction and
industrial design were merged into a new form of "design customization"?
Q2: How can mass customization help health in America? Especially
with young kids and obesity? How can the interaction inspire a more
active lifestyle?
Q3: How can interaction and personal technologies inspire a more
active lifestyle?
Q4: What are solutions to develop communities that inspire a more
active lifestyle? How can those solutions be customized for each
individual's experience?
Q5: How can mass customization give people a way to bring beauty
and materiality into their lives and living environments?
Q6: What is "active consumerism"?
Q7: What is the vernacular of a mass customization system designer?
Q8: How can mass customization enrich lives?
Q9: How can the physical form of objects be manipulated without
simply reskinning them? How can the result be tied into the manufacturing