interaction myname

02_ Immersive

A set of two-dimensional images meet perpendicularly, it develops a three-dimensional quality. I have explored ways of folding moving images just like folding paper to create a three-dimensional object. Through a set of experiments, with sound as a catalyst, creating a three-dimensional environment using two-dimensional motion pictures was the goal. The final project creates a fundamental structure which uses space as a framework for motion graphics. As content, using only dots, lines and planes to portray the basic forms of graphic design. Two projectors were set in a room - one projecting the floor and the other projecting the a wall perpendicular to the floor. The images were set up to share a side. Two projectors were set up to show different movie clips.

The Next Illusion:
Architectonic Cinema

01_ Interactive

02_ Immersive

03_ Spatial
(Contents Movies)

04_ 4.5D


User Almighty

Troika De Mayo

Open Grid

Wind Delight

Typeface Study

Self Stalker

Hair Forecast

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