Tangible Interface






















Tangible Interface

Tangible Textbook + Screen Margin + Pen Input

Physical textbook is linked with its digital counterpart through networked pen and page platform.


Context: Tangible Media






















Page Interface : Tangible Print Media linked with digital media : Digital Ex Libre

Purchase of physical Textbook is recorded into the digital meta data and can be accessed though the digital Ex Libre


Context: Consumer Spime









































Page specific interaction and Menues

Textbook pages become the interaction for the interface. Tangible Textbook pages are aware of their location and dictate specific interactions with the screen space.


Context: Tangible User Interface



















Friends Menu

The physical Textbook can connect to every other similar artifact allowing for unique communication with friends and colleagues interacting with the same content.


Context: Social Network












Network Menu

Physical Textbook becomes connected to every other similar artifact allowing for unique communication opportunities within specialized social networks filtered through the content of the Textbook content.

Context: Cloud Computing












Subscription Menu

Physical Textbookis networked to all other modes or response including contemporaries and advanced notating and commentary.

Context: Education Theory







Settings Menu

Tangible pages become interface of interacting with content specific setting. Networked pages allow paper and physical location to establish settings and connection levels.


Context: Interface Design















Seamless input through pen and stylus interaction

A combined pen and stylus system allows interacting with writing on paper and writing and interacting with the screen to be a seamless engagement allowing spacial recognition of annotation and interaction.


Context: Writing Theory


















Content Specific Notation And Shared commentary

Pages are network and self aware linking and compositing all related and shared notation into the shared margin space. Physical margins are linked through a pen and stylus input system broadcasting notes on physical page in the shared margin screen spaces of all other textbooks within the connected network. Signage to understand whose note are being shared and how many.


Context: Writing Theory

Context: Glossing





























































Communication String and Content Conversation : Handwriting / ascii text

Shared notes can become conversation starters prompting responses to questions left in margin space. Screen space can toggle between handwriting style of notation or the converted text and ascii ability through computational aggregation.


Context: "Deep Attentions" vs. "Hyper Attention"




















Real time input networking for simultaneous engagement

Multiple users can engage in reading and responding to content within the shared margin.


Context: "Deep Attentions" vs. "Hyper Attention"






















































































Content Extending Media & Marginalia Marketplace

Tangible media can extend its content into the screen space to reference external dynamic data associated to the context of the content.


Context: Network Marketplace
















































































Marginalia : The Hybrid Textbook from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.






Tangible Interface from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.





Page Interface : Tangible Print Media linked with digital media : Digital Ex Libre from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.

Page specific interaction and Menus from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.



Seamless input through pen and stylus interaction from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.


Glossing: Content Specific Notation And Shared commentary from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.








Communication String and Content Conversation : Handwriting / ascii text from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.



Real time input networking for simultaneous engagement from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.








Ecology Content Extending Media & Marginalia Marketplace from Chris R Becker on Vimeo.




