Zip It

"Zip It" is an interactive video installation, that allows you to 'zip' people (turn the sound of the videos on and off) while at the same time create new, unexpected conversation.

This project started with the desire to work with zippers, or better maybe the idea "fabric-electronics" and some inspiration from "Austin Powers".

I had three couples. I had one couple at a time argue with each other. They were sitting opposite from each other and there were two video cameras filming each individual. The only constrained was, please try not to talk over each other. Afterwards I just had to edit both tapes and cut out the other persons sound.

I was seriously surprised how this worked out. People really wanted to play with it. Even I, although I knew all the footage and dialogues, I found myself zipping and unzipping to create new stories and see how dialogues could fit together. Maybe it was due because of the different characters, maybe the yellow color and...

while the "windows" where closed you were still able to see that there was something going on behind the fabric - did this make you want to unzip it and watch it? Did the yellow add to the arguing conversations...?

How to make a zipper conductible. Syuzi Pakkhchyan was so nice and told me some of her tricks. Her book Fashion Technology was also of excellent source. Some conductible thread, two metal rings to hold the wire to the thread—and it worked. Good way to test it is with a little LED light and a 3V battery.