Fabric Interaction


What if an electronic interface was built out of fabric? What would it do? Why would it matter? This interface design project is an exploration; our goal was not to solve a problem or fill a need, but to imagine the ways fabric might be used in the near (well, not so near) future. Specifically, we saw this assignment as an opportunity to explore the unique affordances, possibilities and use values of a digital touchscreen-style interface that was built to be used with a fabric item.

We also saw this assignment as an opportunity to design a 'casual interface': in this case, how a user would interact with her tote-bag. We wished to explore the possibilities for an interactive experience that would not merely be functional, but also one that could play a role in fashion, communication, customization and personal expression. This site contains a working demonstration of our interface, as well as summary of our design process, background research and learning.

A collaboration with Christopher Grant Ward