Hewlett-Packard's Consumer Applications and Systems Laboratory in Palo Alto, California has sponsored our Superstudio Project. The design challenges was to work with three phrases. We focused on aspects of personal agency, self-esteem and technology for the "tween" or millennial generation. We conducted extensive research to design a multi-faceted trans-media system in response to what we discovered about these phrases.
Through out our process we broke into smaller group to focus on particular aspects of the research. I worked in collaboration with a select few on what we coined as Vibrations.
What are the keys vibes to understanding the Tween world?
The idea behind the Vibrations is to understand the most common emotional states of our select group of Tweens. In order to understand their emotional states, we analyzed the data from the questionnaires, interviews and photo audit journals. From this data, we concluded that the six strongest Tween emotional states are the following: excitement flow, slow flow, frustration, pressure, insecurity and comfort. We decided to create six relevant installation pieces that would allow the audience to interact with the work and become immersed into the Tween world.
Comfort: When Tweens are in a state of well-being, for example, when they are doing something they enjoy, like reading a book.

Excitement Flow: A state in which a Tween is completely and actively engaged. For example, when they are competing in a sport, or competitively playing a video game.
Slow Flow: A state of flow in which a Tween is passively engaged. For example, when they are watching TV.
Frustration: A feeling that occurs when Tweens are being hindered or criticized.
Pressure: When Tweens feel the stress or burden of adversity, for example, the daily stresses of completing a lot of homework.

Insecurity: The feeling of uncertainty or lack of confidence, for example, when Tweens are concerned about not fitting in when they do not have the latest cell phone.