Gravity Assist Mechanical Simulator

Image of the Simulator


Intended Audience

The Gravity Assist Mechanical Simulator, GAMS, is intended for individual hands-on use by the genuinely curious and inquisitive adult. Of course the bright and attentive high-school student, or possibly the exceptional younger student, may also benefit.

To be effective, GAMS requires an individual's time and attention for no less than ten or fifteen minutes, and so is not appropriate for the typical touring audience which might not have enough time available to permit individual hands-on use. It is not intended for demonstration to individuals in an audience who will not use it hands-on.

If there are a few onlookers watching as one person spends ten or fifteen minutes working with the GAMS, those onlookers will probably gain enough familiarity by watching, to require only a few minutes hands-on at the device to achieve the educational objectives.

Specific Educational Objectives

A. Primary Objectives

The participant using the GAMS will gain an intuitive grasp, via hands-on experience and interaction, of each of the following concepts:

  • That an interplanetary spacecraft operates in a realm dominated by the Sun's gravity.
  • That a massive planet, while it is revolving around a star, has angular momentum.
  • How some of that momentum can transfer to an object that passes by in just the right way.
  • That gravity temporarily connects the planet and the spacecraft, in a way similar to the way magnetism temporarily connects it to a bearing ball (BB) on the GAMS.
  • That the spacecraft's (BB's) speed increase comes at the expense of the revolving planet's momentum.
  • That the reduction in the revolving planet's momentum is barely noticeable, while its effect on the spacecraft's velocity is substantial.
  • That the energy from a launch vehicle that is capable of only propelling a mass to the distance to Jupiter's orbit, can be leveraged by using a Gravity Assist Flyby, to acheive a much larger trajectory.

B. Secondary Objectives

The participant using the GAMS will also gain an intuitive grasp, via hands-on experience and interaction, of each of the following concepts:

  • That precise planning and execution must be applied, in order to achieve a momentum transfer.
  • That the Sun and Jupiter revolve around a common barycenter which lies outside the Sun's visible circumference. (This is implied as the GAMS Sun wobbles off-center while the Jupiter-magnet revolves.)