ACAN Basics of Interplanetary Flight
Course Objectives

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This list is more detailed than the high-level objectives mapped to sessions in the Syllabus. Items marked with an asterisk * might be intentionally skipped over in class sssions. Each classmember should research the item in the online text, and/or elsewhere on the web, and bring any questions up in class. Classmember may, if desired, present the subject informally during a class session, given a go-ahead from the instructor. Use pencil and update as course proceeds


How new is this to me?

1 - 10

How well can I explain it to someone?

1 - 10

1001 Describe the sun.      
1002 Relate the Sun's share of mass, radiation, magnetism, within the solar system.      
1003 Describe the solar system.      
1004* State distances of solar system objects in light- time.      
1005 Describe the environment in which the solar system resides.      
1006 Describe each of the planets.      
1007 Describe the more interesting moons of the planets.      
1008 Describe asteroids.      
1009 Describe comets.      
1010 Describe Kuiper belt objects.      
1011 Describe the Oort cloud.      
1012* Describe the materials brought to Earth by comets and other meteors.      
1013 Describe characteristics of natural and artificial emitters of radiation.      
1014 Describe bands of the spectrum from RF to gamma rays, and their usefulness in making observations.      
1015 Describe the particular usefulness radio frequencies have for deep-space communication.      
1016 Describe the basic principles of spectroscopy.      
1017 Describe the Doppler effect.      
1018 Describe reflection and refraction.      
1019 Describe the backscatter of light (or other wavelengths).      
1020 Describe the forward scatter of light (or other wavelengths).      
1021 List advantages and disadvantages of making observations in backscattered and forward scattered light.      
1022* Distinguish between inferior and superior planets.      
1023 Compare the terrestrial and jovian planets.      
1024 Relate the diversity of the jovian planets' moons.      
1025* Consider which jovian moons might currently support lifeforms.      
1026* Describe the system of terrestrial coordinates, the rotation of Earth, precession, nutation, and the revolution of Earth about the sun.      
1029* Identify one or more planets in the evening sky.      
1030* Face east and tell about your own motion relative to the Sun and planets.      
1031 Identify stars known to have planetary systems. Describe how they are detected.      
1032 State distance in light-years from here to some extra-solar planetary systems.      
1033* Describe how locations of objects are stated in coordinate systems of the celestial sphere.      
1034 Describe the use of epochs and various conventions of timekeeping.      
1035 Describe the force of gravity      
1036 Describe characteristics of ellipses.      
1037 Describe the concepts of Newton's principles of mechanics.      
1038 Recognize acceleration in orbit and explain Kepler's laws in general terms.      
1039 Describe tidal effect and how it is important in planetary systems.      
1040 Describe the use of Hohmann transfer orbits in general terms and how spacecraft use them for interplanetary travel.      
1041 Describe the role launch sites play in total launch energy.      
1042 List factors contributing to determination of launch windows.      
1043 Describe how the launch day of the year and hour of the day affect interplanetary launch energy.      
1044* List the major factors involved in preparations for launch.      
1045 Describe the concepts of aerobraking to alter orbital geometry.      
1046 Describe the concepts of aerobraking to decelerate for atmospheric entry, descent and landing.      
1047 List and describe a planet's Lagrange points.      
Describe in general terms the characteristics of the following types of planetary orbits including their general concepts, particular advantages, and some requirements for achieving them:
1048      Geosynchronous orbits.      
1049      Geostationary orbits.      
1050      Polar orbits.      
1051      Walking orbits.      
1052      Sun-synchronous orbits.      
1053 State the characteristics of eight basic categories of robotic spacecraft.      
1054 Be able to identify past, current, and future spacecraft as belonging to one of the eight basic categories.      
1055* State the general characteristics of several launch vehicles.      
Describe the role, and some major components, of the following typical spacecraft subsystems:
1056      Structural subsystem.      
1057      Thermal subsystem.      
1058      Mechanical devices subsystem.      
1059      Data handling subsystem.      
1060      Attitude and articulation control subsystem.      
1061      Telecommunications subsystem.      
1062      Electrical power and distribution subsystem.      
1063      Propulsion subsystem.      
1064* List advanced technologies being considered for use on future spacecraft.      
1065 Distinguish between remote-sensing and direct-sensing science instruments.      
1066 Recognize examples of remote- and direct-sensing science instruments.      
1067 Identify how science instruments are classified as active or passive sensors.      
1068 Be aware of radio science's special capabilities.      
1069 Describe the unique opportunities for science data acquisition presented by occultations, and some of the problems involved.      
1070 Identify what is referred to as the scientific community, describe the typical background of principal investigators involved with space flight.      
1071 Describe avenues for disseminating the results of science experiments.      
1072* Identify typical mission phases: conceptual effort, preliminary analysis, definition, design, and development.      
1073* List the major factors involved in a mission's cruise phase, including spacecraft checkout and characterization, and preparation for encounter.      
1074 Characterize typical daily flight operations.      
Describe major factors involved in:
1075      Flyby operations.      
1076      Planetary orbit insertion.      
1077      Planetary system exploration.      
1078      Planet mapping.      
1079      Planetary system tour.      
1080      Gravity field surveying.      
1081 Cite examples of completion of a mission's primary objectives and obtaining additional science data after their completion.      
1082 Consider how depletion of resources contributes to the end of a mission, identify resources that affect mission life, and describe logistics of closeout of a mission.      
Be aware of the major factors involved in communicating across interplanetary distances:
1083      Uplink.      
1084      Downlink.      
1085      Coherence.      
1086      Modulation.      
1087      Coding.      
1088      Multiplexing.      
1089 Describe basic spacecraft navigation velocity measurement.      
1090 Describe basic spacecraft navigation distance measurement.      
1091* Describe basic spacecraft navigation angular measurement.      
1092 Describe how Orbit Determination for spacecraft navigation is approached.      
1093 Describe spacecraft trajectory correction maneuvers and orbit trim maneuvers.      
1094 Recognize three distinct Deep Space Network data types used in navigation.      
1095 Design something relevant to course subject matter, and present it to the class, with friends and family invited, on the final evening of the course.